MurAll — Q2 2021 Update and Review

7 min readJun 22, 2021

We’ve seen unprecedented growth this quarter in both our community and on MurAll itself, and to start we’d like to say a huge thank you to all our community for embracing the project, giving us your feedback and sharing the love; we continue to be humbled by having such a passionate fan base and remain in awe of the incredible artwork that is being immortalised on the blockchain through MurAll, and seeing the evolution of the wall never ceases to amaze us! We can’t wait to see what’s to come!

This past quarter has been amazing for MurAll, with so many things happening in such a short time, and we’re only just getting started! Let’s look back at all the incredible progress that’s happened:


Sync Network

Sync Network are the creators of the CryptoBond: time-locked NFTs locking Uniswap Liquidity Provider tokens that earn the holder high yield rewards in the form of SYNC tokens and Uniswap fees. Through our partnership, liquidity providers of the PAINT/ETH pool on Uniswap can create CryptoBonds that integrate the current state of MurAll on Polygon (along with possible other easter eggs) to produce a unique, rare, tradeable NFTs that provide additional yield to PAINT/ETH liquidity providers, and incentivise locking up liquidity which in turn provides price stability to PAINT.


StackOS is an open protocol that allows individuals to collectively offer decentralized cloud hosting. Through our partnership, MurAll will utilize the decentralized cloud of StackOS to make the website and wall truly decentralized and thus unstoppable! To celebrate the partnership we are also hosting a joint art competition with the top prize winning their NFT minted onto MurAll along with $100 worth of $STACK tokens!



As the first step to initiate our presence in the metaverse we approached the “So You!” team who have a large building in Decentraland in order to rent space there so Decentraland users and visitors will be able to see the live state of MurAll on both Polygon and Ethereum, and interact with the display to switch between the 2! You can visit it at

MurAll x Coinmarketcap Airdrop

We facilitated an airdrop through Coinmarketcaps airdrop campaign, incentivising users to follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram and Discord communities, and we’ve seen extraordinary participation which has really helped increase our social following and our presence! As of the publishing of this article:

  • Twitter now has over 58k followers
  • Telegram now has 28k members
  • Discord now has 8k members

We’ll keep you updated in regards to the airdrop winners so keep your eyes peeled for further announcements!

LAToken Listing

After winning the LAToken listing competition (big thanks to our community for coming together to vote for us!) our native $PAINT token is now available to trade on LATokens exchange. Additional marketing is in the process of being organized with LAToken to help bring awareness of MurAll through their website and Twitter.

Press Features

MurAll has been featured in many publications, podcasts and videos including:

We’ve also appeared in several community AMAs including TokenSmart, Sync Network, the Art Gallery Auction House.

El Salvador NFT

In celebration of El Salvador being the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, we created a 1 off NFT on MurAll itself which we intend to gift to the President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele. The NFT includes a QR code which links out to a video of the historical moment when the votes for the law to be passed were counted and confirmed to be in supermajority, solidifying El Salvadors place in cryptocurrency history as the first country in the world to adopt Bitcoin as a national currency.

NFT Panda x MurAll competition

We collaborated with NFT Panda for a lucky follower to win a 1 of a kind MurAll NFT Panda minted on the layer 1 MurAll. We saw some great engagement and a big boost to our following as a result!


Website improvements

The MurAll website has been updated with several UI/UX improvements including:

  • “Minting mode” which appears when you want to mint multiple pieces one after the other, which is especially handy when doing entire wall coverages
  • The history and live viewers now use our new api which uses pre-processed offchain data, greatly improve speed and stability.
  • A single “MINT” button replacing the mint/read buttons on the “draw” section to reduce confusion with new users
  • Direct linking to a particular network (i.e. polygon or ethereum) by specifying the network in the url query parameters e.g. network=polygon :

MurAll Museum

To encourage developers to build things from all the amazing artwork that artists have created on MurAll we created Museum, a node package developers can include in their projects to pull the onchain image data from states or individual tokens. Museum includes a straightforward api which decodes the image data into png format, making it super easy for developers to use for whatever they decide to build!

Trade MurAll Layer 2 NFTs on OpenSea

Artists who mint their artworks on our Polygon integration of MurAll can sell their artworks on MurAll Layer 2 Collection on OpenSea, taking full advantage of those tiny network fees!

Trade MurAll NFTs for $PAINT on OpenSea

$PAINT is now available as an option to sell your artwork on the MurAll Layer 1 collection on OpenSea, and with OpenSea continuing to improve their Polygon integration the MurAll Layer 2 Collection will also have this option when it is available.

NFT Bundler update

The NFT bundler work is still in active development; the smart contracts have been developed (including some future proofing additions!) and we are now in the final stages of testing the backend service to construct the whole image based on the pieces. It has taken longer than anticipated however it is paramount that it is fully tested and robust to give the best user experience and ensure the security of the NFT.

Looking forward to Q3

Finalising the NFT bundler

The NFT bundler has been a key piece of work this last quarter but as mentioned it has taken longer than expected, so as a top priority we intend to finish it and get it out there for all you painters and MurAllists to use, we know you’re all aching to try it out!

History viewer improvements

The history viewer is a key part of the MurAll dApp, allowing users to see a snapshot of MurAlls state in time or playback the history at various points to see how it has evolved; we’ve listened to your feedback and we’re planning on improving the UX for the viewer to make it even more user friendly and approachable.


The next large piece of work is the MurAll decentralised marketplace; our long term vision is to have a marketplace governed by a DAO, with artists able to sell their works directly from within the MurAll platform, and have the fees distributed to those who govern the marketplace to reward and incentivise DAO members to do what's best for the marketplace. This will require some in depth planning to get it right, but it will enable us to release in stages so our user base will be able to use it sooner than later.


We are always working on new partnerships so keep an eye out over the coming months for new exciting developments with partners and our growing community.

In summary, the marketing this quarter has been extremely successful, given the exponential growth that our communities and social outreach have experienced as a result. We will continue to improve our platform and pursue new marketing opportunities in the coming months, meanwhile we encourage all of our community to continue spreading the word about MurAll! And of course if you have any feedback or ideas on how we can improve MurAll, feel free to fill in our Google form, we’re always open to suggestions from our community!

See the Evolution. Be the Revolution.

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MurAll is a digital collaborative mural on Ethereum that anyone anywhere in the world can draw on, without restrictions. See the Evolution. Be the Revolution.