Decentralizing the MurAll website using StackOS decentralized cloud

4 min readSep 23, 2021


Decentralization has always been one of the core principles of MurAll, which is why we store the image data of our NFTs on-chain, guaranteeing that if our webserver ever goes down, the MurAll wall is not lost. But we are always looking to minimize the chances of any loss of availability.

Enter StackOS.

A few months ago, before the StackOS main net launched, we already started working with their team to further decentralize our platform so that the art revolution on the MurAll canvas could never be taken down by anyone.

To make another step in this direction we decided to deploy our knowledgebase on StackOS while the next step would be deploying the app itself.

Deploying our application on StackOS

Setting the compute resources needed to deploy before clicking the ‘upgrade’ button

After we Dockerized the application in order to deploy on StackOS, we bought some STACK tokens on Pancakeswap and connected our wallet to From there it was very easy to reserve some compute resources in the upgrade tab. StackOS allows you to run multiple parallel instances so ideally, you’d want to reserve more than needed for your app.

To use our MurAll domain, we needed to provide a self-signed SSL security certificate, which was not supported at the time.

We raised a feature request to make self-signed SSL certificates possible and the StackOS team provided excellent support by updating the platform to make this much easier for future users.

After that, we were ready to deploy by simply clicking the “Deploy Now” button.


MurAll knowledgebase deployed on StackOS

This was a new deployment experience for us, but it was smooth and we can be sure our app will be more durable. We are so excited to see how easy it will be for other projects as well to strive for total decentralization!

We are pleased to be working with StackOS in the near future to deploy our main application as well and we would love to invite all the StackOS community members to check out our knowledge base and be part of the NFT art revolution!

About MurAll

MurAll is an on-chain digital collaborative mural/canvas/wall that anyone anywhere can draw on, without restrictions on what you can draw. The entire ethos of the MurAll project is that it fits with the blockchain narrative of a neutral place that doesn’t filter, censor or stop any transaction. A place for true freedom of speech through art. The only thing required to draw on MurAll is the PAINT token — a fixed supply ERC-20 token analogous with real life paint; you can’t take paint off a wall and reuse it once it’s on there, and similarly any PAINT used in drawing is burned as part of the transaction preventing it from being reused. Your contribution to MurAll will be on the blockchain in its history for as long as the blockchain lives (i.e. you will always be able to see your contribution there in the history, even if someone draws over your pixels). When you draw, you also get a MurAll Non-Fungible Token (NFT) of your contribution, a token containing your drawing, which you own and are free to do with as you please — hold, display, trade, collect, the choice is yours. There is only enough supply of PAINT to allow MurAll to be drawn over in its entirety a maximum of 21 thousand times, meaning MurAll has a finite lifespan; once the PAINT runs out you won’t be able to draw on MurAll again.

Twitter | Telegram | Website | Live canvas | Spray your NFT on the MurAll Canvas

About StackOS

StackOS is a cross-chain open protocol that allows individuals and organizations to share their computing resources and collectively offer a decentralized cloud; where developers around the world can deploy any full-stack application, decentralized app, blockchain private nets, and main net nodes.

We aim to provide the world with “The Unstoppable Infrastructure Protocol”, which will allow any person across the world to deploy their application without incurring heavy cloud management costs and freely run any application they wish to run. StackOS furthermore intends to help brick and mortar businesses around the globe, to go online cost-effectively and securely with minimal technical overhead.

StackOS has already gained heavy early traction from the market and is soon preparing to launch its native STACK token on the mainnet for the general public to use and govern.

Twitter | Telegram | Demonstration Video | Explainer Video | Website | Apply (Early Access)




MurAll is a digital collaborative mural on Ethereum that anyone anywhere in the world can draw on, without restrictions. See the Evolution. Be the Revolution.